Shift in Gropius's architectural agenda
- "international architecture from a completely pre-determined point of view, namely the development of modern architecture in the dynamic functional direction, without ornament or mouldings." (1923 Colquhoun)
- "The Bauhaus workshops are essentially laboratories in which prototypes of products suitable for mass production and typical of our time are carefully developed and improved, tirumphantly celebrating the union of art and technology." (around 1925 Colquhoun)
Bauhaus Dessau Building (1926)
- Gropius saw school building as a factory
- The body of the school bldg was broken down into programmatic elements - the school building, the new trade school, and masters' houses - and reassembled to form an open centrifugal form
- The swastika form of the plan exemplifies the Futuristic-Constructivist centrifugal freestanding building with the different programmatic elements articulated, as opposed to the traditional courtyard type
- In particular, the school bldg has certain features from Gropius' earlier work, such as the projection of the glazing slightly in front of the wall plane, so that it is not interrupted by the column (Fagus factory - 공장과 학교건물에 있어서, 구조와 유리입면을 처리하는 태도가 같다. 가벼움, 모서리 해방, 내부행위의 노출, 단순함, 기능적, 논리적)